Category: News

Single-sentence abortion-neutral bill would get justice for babies like Frederick’s Nico Watts

2019 Update: Chicagoland murders of pregnant moms to steal their unborn child in 2019 and 1995 and 43 other similar atrocities, including Longmont’s Michelle Wilkins who suffered the most atrocious killing ever of a Colorado mother’s unborn child. CRTL’s single-sentence abortion-neutral fetal crimes bill would help bring justice to the victims. Many Coloradan’s are looking to State […]

Every Republican Justice Since Roe Rejects the Child’s Right To Life, Gorsuch Too

Who never said the following? “An unborn child has a right to life.” If you said Justice Roberts, you’re right! If you said Justice Alito, you’re right! If you said Justice Thomas, you’re right! If you said Justice Souter, you’re right! If you said Justice Kennedy, you’re right! If you said Justice Scalia, you’re right! […]

CRTL’s 2-Minute Contribution to the Viral Videos Phenomenon

A TEACHABLE MOMENT Outrage Over Body Parts Videos Squandered by Defunding Efforts Defund Planned Parenthood Bills Typically Fund Abortion Politicians Against PP Funding Give Record Funds to Abortion  Lesson from Presidential History: Former president George W. Bush claimed to be against tax funding of abortion yet the Bush administration increased funding to Planned Parenthood by nearly […]

CO State & Fed Candidate Survey Responses

See full report: Colo. State & Federal Candidate Positions & Survey ResponsesAlso, see CRTL’s 2010 Candidate Survey and our Legislative Survey Report! This is a comprehensive list of all the information Colorado Right to Life has about the candidates running for office in the Colorado Caucus, Assembly & Primary season. We had published two previous […]

The Colorado 2012 Right To Life Amendment

Nov. 6,   2012 Update: Amendments don’t lie. While politicians from all political parties often compromise and misrepresent themselves even on life and death matters, amendments, written on paper, don’t reconsider; they don’t change their mind; and they don’t don’t lie. The Colorado Personhood Coalition has filed suit as explained in the following press release […]

Pepsi: Aborted Baby Cells in Drink Research

PRO-LIFE VICTORY: PEPSI BOYCOTT ENDED! April 30, 2012: PepsiCo has ceased their fetal cell research and recently adopted this policy: “PepsiCo does not conduct or fund research that utilizes any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or fetuses.”Further, Pepsi VP of Global Public Policy, Paul Boykas, wrote that, “Senomyx will not use HEK […]

Colorado Gov. John Love Signs First Liberalized Abortion Law: 45 years ago today

Colorado Gov. John Love Signs First Liberalized Abortion Law: 45 years ago today

Denver, April 25, 1967, 2007 — Governor John A. Love of Colorado signs the first liberalized abortion law (based upon a model created by the American Law Institute) in the United States, allowing abortion in cases of permanent mental or physical disability of either the child or mother or in cases of rape or incest. […]

2012 Caucus Personhood Resolution

PLEASE BRING THIS RESOLUTION TO YOUR CAUCUS ON TUESDAY First find the location of your neighborhood caucus meeting and attend it on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Then, when the chairman ask if anyone has a resolution to offer, simply provide him with a printout of this resolution, and you can read the […]

Colorado March for Life 2012

Colorado March for Life 2012

Update: Colorado’s 2012 March for Life was an important event as we build toward a personhood victory in Colorado! Hundreds of pro-lifers encouraged one another an greatly appreciated speakers Kevin Swanson, Pastor Ron Fox, Guabe Garcia Jones, Mike Adams, Jo Scott, Doug McBurney, and Pastor Michael Walker. See also the Denver Post report: March for […]

Pro-Aborts Pay Restitution to CRTL

Pro-Aborts Pay Restitution to CRTL

One of our truth truck banners was stolen at our annual CRTL Banquet by someone who wanted our message silenced. Our banner with Margaret Sanger’s quote, “We don’t want the word out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” was removed by someone obviously sympathetic to Planned Parenthood. CRTL persued justice in this case […]