Every Republican Justice Since Roe Rejects the Child’s Right To Life, Gorsuch Too
Who never said the following?
“An unborn child has a right to life.”
If you said Justice Roberts, you’re right!
If you said Justice Alito, you’re right!
If you said Justice Thomas, you’re right!
If you said Justice Souter, you’re right!
If you said Justice Kennedy, you’re right!
If you said Justice Scalia, you’re right!
If you said Justice O’Connor, you’re right!
If you said Justive Gorsuch, you’re right!
If you said Justice Kavanaugh, you’re right!
And if you would’ve said Justice Scalia, you would’ve been right!
For decades, National Right To Life and the pro-life industry has cheered each Supreme Court Justice, who was eventually confirmed, who had been nominated by Ronald Reagan, George H.W., and George W. Bush! Yet every one of those judges reject that the unborn child has a right to life.
Central Holding: The late Notre Dame law professor, pro-life Charles Rice, taught (see youtu.be/r4esSBgE10Y) that every one of the Republican justices nominated since 1973 have accepted the central holding of Roe v. Wade that the unborn child does not have a right to life.
* In Neil Gorsuch’s Own Words: As CRTL has been warning since January about Gorsuch:
Pro-choice Republican Justices: Those Justices are Sandra Day O’Connor (1981), Antonin Scalia (1986), Anthony Kennedy (1988), David Souter (1990), Clarence Thomas (1991), John Roberts (2005), and Samuel Alito (2006). They even cheered the nomination of Robert Bork (1987), whose book, Slouching Toward Gomorrah, illustrates the absurdity of the pro-lifers supporting his nomination by Ronald Reagan and Planned Parenthood opposing it, even though as a federal judge he himself was not opposed to abortion. And even though Scalia publicly assured the abortion lobby that as long as they followed the process, and passed pro-abortion laws, he would approve and uphold them, still, pro-life industry leaders pretend that he was a hero for the unborn child.
Why? By the time George W. Bush left the White House, Republican presidents had nominated 7 of the 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices. Shouldn’t we have won this battle by then? We’re we electing Republican presidents to save the lives of children being dismembered? By the end of the Bush administration, pro-life Republicans had nominated about 60% of the entire federal judiciary. And the judiciary was and remains overwhelmingly pro-abortion. So then, why do “pro-lifers” cheer every cycle when such similar Republican judges are nominated? It’s for the same reason they never remind you that Roe v. Wade was written by Republican Justice Blackmun and passed with the votes of five Republican Justices. And it’s for the same reason that they never remind you that George W. Bush gave Planned Parenthood two billion dollars, a billion more than Bill Clinton was able to give them in his eight years, even though for four years Bush had a historic trifecta: Republican control of the Executive, Legislative, and the Judicial branches, that is, of course of the White House, of the House of Representatives and the Senate, and of the Supreme Court. The pro-life industry is consumed by their lust to beat the Democrats which blinds them to the truth that their own “Republican pro-life judges” have kept abortion “legal” nationally since 1973.
The Two Questions: Here are the two questions that National RTL doesn’t want asked or answered, even though without this, all other information about Judge Neil Gorsuch is irrelevant. If this information is withheld, those against abortion should withhold their support of this nominee.
First, at what point do we acquire our right to life?
Second, Judge Gorsuch, you’ve written that judges should ignore their personal values and instead follow the constitution and the law. Legally, historically, morally, what are the limits to that principle? (Please take into account Dred Scott and German judges.) That is, when should judges ignore the law, and instead, do what is right?
Remember this, from ARTL, almost a decade ago. “American Right To Life is offering $10,000 to National RTL,” said the group’s president Leslie Hanks, “if they can name a single justice on the current U.S. Supreme Court who has ever stated, in an interview or a ruling or even a dissent, that the unborn child has a right to life. The point is that after decades of NRTL’s compromise strategy, there is not a single justice on the court who acknowledges the child’s right to life.”
“In 1981, after president Ronald Reagan agreed he would sign federal personhood legislation for the unborn, National Right to Life and their longtime attorney James Bopp actually opposed that effort claiming they supported a states’ rights approach,” says the group’s site AmericanRTL.org. “A quarter century later notice that NRTL and Bopp have long opposed all state personhood efforts.”
Gorsuch, Roberts, and the Homosexuals: Colorado RTL was one of the few pro-life groups to warn conservatives and Christians about George W. Bush’s nominee John Roberts, who subsequently severely harmed the nation including by upholding Obamacare. Like Roberts, Neil Gorsuch promotes something that those who hate their neighbors refer to as “gay rights”. Homosexuality is horrifically destructive and in the public square homosexuality and Christianity are mutually exclusive. In 1992 Colorado amended our state constitution with the short-lived Amendment 2 designed to protect Christians and others from being sued for refusing to comply with the homosexual agenda. John Roberts volunteered to help “Equity Colorado” get the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the amendment. Lawsuits and government action against Christians, both here and nationwide, now abound. And of course while many pro-aborts argue that men have no right to speak about abortion, in one of their countless hypocrisies, they welcome “pro-choice” homosexual men, which group, by that pro-abort standard, would have no standing even to offer an opinion. Yet of course homosexuals as a group are the most aggressive to advocate for the dismembering of unborn children. And now, in 2017, a radically pro-homosexual Donald Trump has nominated pro-homosexual Neil Gorsuch. This federal judge is confirmed as pro-homosexual:
– by his homosexual clerks
– by the affirmation of his close long-time homosexual friends, and
– by the especially liberal and homosexualized church that he attends, Boulder Colorado’s St. John’s Episcopal.
Jesus said that God made us male and female at the beginning of creation. And it’s a bit late for secular and religious rebels to shout Crucify Him, Crucify Him. But those in the opposition, if they could, would destroy God in order to vindicate themselves. That’s why there’s a hell. So, if you love your unborn neighbor you will fight to protect him from the abortionist’s bloodlust. And if years later that child has been caught up in the homosexual rebellion against God, you will have your second chance to love him. If you know right from wrong, and have love to give, you will not affirm him in his destruction. Unlike Gorsuch, you will warn him.
Colorado Right To Life
PO Box 1145
Wheat Ridge CO 80034
Please help us fight for the innocent!
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