

© Copyright Tony Funderburk [mp3]/files/audio/personhood.mp3[/mp3] You should thank your Momcause she thought of you as a person.From the very startshe was calling you her daughter or her son. And though life isn’t easy;our Moms still believed we would make it. Now some call life a choice,but it’s still a precious life.We can’t take it. We […]

Pro-Aborts Pay Restitution to CRTL

Pro-Aborts Pay Restitution to CRTL

One of our truth truck banners was stolen at our annual CRTL Banquet by someone who wanted our message silenced. Our banner with Margaret Sanger’s quote, “We don’t want the word out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” was removed by someone obviously sympathetic to Planned Parenthood. CRTL persued justice in this case […]

American RTL Unfurled DNC Sheets Of Shame

American RTL Unfurled DNC Sheets Of Shame

[] DENVER, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire/ — An official Guinness Book of World RecordsTM attempt to display the largest ever protest sign has succeeded. The 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide message is being shouted from the mountaintops overlooking the Democratic National Convention with the leading 2008 protest message. Depending on their location, thousands of DNC delegates […]

Colorado Personhood Petition

The Colorado Supreme Court approved the ballot initiative that if passed, will create a constitutional amendment to define personhood as beginning at fertilization. Denver's NBC affiliate showed many of our members signing the first petition, including Brian Rohrbough, Ken Scott, CRTL co-founder John Archibold, and our vice president Leslie Hanks. Also seen at the announcement […]

CRTL on KOA about Birth Control in Denver Schools

Board Member Lolita Hanks spoke with Dan Caplis on Denver’s KOA 850AM about the intention of Denver city schools to pass out birth control to students with parental consent. [mp3]files/audio/lolita.KOA-birth-control.mp3[/mp3]Board Member Lolita Hanks spoke with Dan Caplis on Denver’s KOA 850AM about the intention of Denver city schools to pass out birth control to students […]

Light on Life Banquet

The Banquet was a Great Success! Thank you, each and every one of you, who packed the house, and made our annual CRTL banquet a huge success! All were encouraged to recommit themselves to promoting God's enduring command, Do not murder! Our emcee, CRTL director Joe Riccobono, reported on our events and accomplishments since last […]