CBS 4 Airs CRTL Warning on the Defunding Diversion

CBS News 4 In Denver relayed this warning from anti-abortion activist: Susan Sutherland with Colorado Right to Life [who] said that defunding Planned Parenthood would not accomplish the greater goal. “Planned Parenthood could be defunded today, and they’ll have plenty of funds,” Sutherland said. “They’ll have any number of people who’ll step in and fund […]

Colorado’s March for Abolition: Jan 20, 2018

Colorado’s March for Life becomes the March For Abolition The nation’s first RTL organization, Colorado Right To Life, is embarrassed that it’s been more than a half-century since our founding, and unborn children are still being slaughtered in our communities. Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s abortion opinion Roe v. Wade, we’ve been counting up, seemingly forever, to […]

Colorado RTL’s 2017 March For Life at the Abortion Mill…

Fake News Doesn’t Only Come from Democrats: Hear Bob Enyart’s message right here… UPDATE: One family who has long fought against abortion walked out of the march! Why? They were upset by the “Fake News Doesn’t Only Come from Democrats” message. After a board member asked them to watch our political strategy documentary, Focus on […]

CRTL’s 2-Minute Contribution to the Viral Videos Phenomenon

A TEACHABLE MOMENT Outrage Over Body Parts Videos Squandered by Defunding Efforts Defund Planned Parenthood Bills Typically Fund Abortion Politicians Against PP Funding Give Record Funds to Abortion  Lesson from Presidential History: Former president George W. Bush claimed to be against tax funding of abortion yet the Bush administration increased funding to Planned Parenthood by nearly […]

At Clinic Shooting Personhood Supporter On Scene Saving Lives

* August 2016 NYT/LAT/Reuters MEDIA UPDATE: CRTL predicts that even with the latest NY Times inquiry about candidates Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence being in Colorado Springs, just as occured when the media called initially about the clinic shootings, and then again when the abortion mill reopened, the media’s negligence will continue on their failure to […]

Colorado’s Death Culture Voted for the Suicide Proposition 106

Post-Election Update and Condemnation of the “No” Campaign: Sixty-five percent of Colorado voters openly side with the death culture and now will bear the guilt for each innocent person intentionally killed. This new “law”, being in violation of God’s law and contradicting His enduring command, “Do not kill the innocent”, has no actual authority. Though […]

Top Republican Candidates Support Killing Unborn Children

CRTL on Trump, Pence, and Glenn: Not suprisingly, while Colorado Right To Life has criticized Republican U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn for being double-minded regarding the dismembering of unborn children (of all things to be double-minded about!) not surprisingly, National Right To Life, the organization that opposes laws and candidates attempting to uphold the unborn child’s […]

CO State & Fed Candidate Survey Responses

See full report: Colo. State & Federal Candidate Positions & Survey ResponsesAlso, see CRTL’s 2010 Candidate Survey and our Legislative Survey Report! This is a comprehensive list of all the information Colorado Right to Life has about the candidates running for office in the Colorado Caucus, Assembly & Primary season. We had published two previous […]