CBS 4 Airs CRTL Warning on the Defunding Diversion
Colorado RTL | Posted on |
CBS News 4 In Denver relayed this warning from anti-abortion activist:
Susan Sutherland with Colorado Right to Life [who] said that defunding Planned Parenthood would not accomplish the greater goal. “Planned Parenthood could be defunded today, and they’ll have plenty of funds,” Sutherland said. “They’ll have any number of people who’ll step in and fund them … we need to abolish abortion, because it is the murder of innocent children.”
* The Defunding Diversion: After 41 years of the failed Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood (since the impotent Hyde Amendment passed in 1976), even if successful, the dozens of billionaires who aggressively support the abortion industry could double any lost funds overnight. Here’s a grim reminder of the actual track record of a few of the top “pro-life” Republicans on abortion and even on abortion funding:
– George W. Bush gave Planned Parenthood a billion dollars more than did Bill Clinton ($2.2B total, with Republican control of Congress and the Supreme Court, and while the meaningless Hyde Amendment was in force).
– George H. W. Bush began “Family Planning” Title X funding which has ever since filled Planned Parenthood’s coffers with tax dollars.
– Speaker of the House Rep. Paul Ryan (R) says abortionists should not get one red cent and then without a fight willingly fully funded Planned Parenthood for Barack Obama for 2016.
– Roe v. Wade was written by Republican Justice Blackmun, passed with a Republican majority on the vote of five Republican Justices, and enforced even through the years when Republicans controlled the executive, legislative (both houses), and judicial branch (with 60% of the federal judiciary and seven of nine on the Supreme Court).
“Pro-life” Republican politicians have demonstrated how easy it is to get Christian votes, and to distract them from the fight to end child killing, by lying to them on the topic of defunding. Donald Trump has even said not too long ago about Planned Parenthood that he is willing to fund the “many, many good things they do”, that is, when they’re not dismembering children.
* Worst Abortion Video Yet Makes Point About Fraudulent “Defunding” Efforts: As referenced in this 2-minute YouTube, consider how the Republican party and Bush family have provided record funding to Planned Parenthood:
* What To Do? Don’t wring your hands. Don’t continue to want to be lied to. Instead, prepare yourself to be effective. Please begin by watching Focus on the Strategy: