
Phill Kline Biography

Phill Kline is a fifth-generation Kansan who was sworn in as the 41st Attorney General in Kansas history on January 13, 2003, and who now serves as District Attorney in Johnson County, Kansas. Born in Kansas City, Kansas, less than nine miles from where his great-great grandfather settled in the Old Quindaro Township in 1870, […]

2007 CRTL Banquet

2007 CRTL Banquet

Former Kansas Attorney General, Phill KlineSeptember 22, 2007The Inverness Hotel DTC On the heels of our 40th commemoration of America's first abortion law, don't miss one of the nation's most passionate speakers for righteousness and legal protection of human life from the moment of fertilization! Former Kansas AG, Phill Kline has gone after late term […]

CRTL Hosts Hospitality Suite at NRTL Convention

CRTL Hosts Hospitality Suite at NRTL Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hostility met with Hospitality at National Right to Life ConventionEjected Colorado Right to Life Hosts Hospitality Suite for NRTL Conventioneers Kansas City, MO, June 18, 2007 — Imediately after the National Right to Life board voted to kick out their Colorado affiliate for exposing the truth about a recent Supreme Court ruling, […]

CRTL Kicked Out of National RTL

PRESS RELEASEJune 13, 2007 Update: Listen in to the Nat’l RTL Board Meeting: This 9-minute unauthorized recording from a closed-door National RTL Board Meeting at the group’s annual convention in Kansas City contains Colorado Right To Life’s testimony to the national group’s fifty board members strongly criticizing NRTL for its immoral and failed anti-abortion strategy. Colorado […]

Human Events Ad

Supreme Court Actually Kept “Partial Birth” Abortion Legal Pro-life Movement Makes False Claims About PBA Ruling We published this letter as full-page advertisementsin Human Events, the Washington Times, Colorado Springs Gazette,Birmingham News, and other leading newspapers around the countrytargeting the headquarter cities of specific leaders and ministries.(Related: See our 2017 open letter to Trump n the […]

Open Letter to Dr. James Dobson

Dobson Thanks God for Brutally Wicked Ruling High Court Creates New Partial Birth Abortion Technique Focus on the Family Makes False Claims About PBA Ruling An Open Letter to Dr. James Dobson, Signers include:– Brian Rohrbough, president, Colorado Right to Life– Rev. Tom Euteneuer, president, Human Life International– Flip Benham, director, Operation Rescue / O.S.A.– […]

PBA Gonzales v. Carhart Analysis

By Pastor Bob EnyartDenver Bible Church(for Colorado Right to Life) Shirley Dobson, on the day of the ruling, agreed with talk show host Hugh Hewitt that the Supreme Court upholding the partial-birth abortion ban, “is an answer to prayer.” The tragedy, which she was unaware of, but which Hewitt as a lawyer should have known, […]