Please see the stunning analysis of the PBA Fiasco at including Dr. James Dobson’s quote that: “Ending partial-birth abortion… does not save a single human life.” – Dr. James Dobson .
Category: Media
© Copyright Tony Funderburk [mp3]/files/audio/personhood.mp3[/mp3] You should thank your Momcause she thought of you as a person.From the very startshe was calling you her daughter or her son. And though life isn’t easy;our Moms still believed we would make it. Now some call life a choice,but it’s still a precious life.We can’t take it. We […]
American RTL Unfurled DNC Sheets Of Shame
[] DENVER, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire/ — An official Guinness Book of World RecordsTM attempt to display the largest ever protest sign has succeeded. The 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide message is being shouted from the mountaintops overlooking the Democratic National Convention with the leading 2008 protest message. Depending on their location, thousands of DNC delegates […]
9News quotes CRTL on Embryonic Stem Cells
Colorado’s NBC affiliate reported: “Colorado Right To Life urges scientists to use stem cells from umbilical cords and to stop harvesting parts from children, because it is wrong to kill the littlest boys and girls to treat others,” said the group’s vice president Leslie Hanks. (see video) CRTL also told 9News: “Adult stem cells have […]
Re-submitted to the News: RTL Warns Colo GOP
Re-submitted to the Rocky Mountain News, Nov. 5, 2008: Politically speaking, our state’s Personhood Amendment 48 was trounced, but 550,000 Coloradans voted ‘Yes’ giving us a firm baseline from which to fight for the innocent. But now that Colorado has also rejected the Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer, I would like to re-submit (as reported […]
All Rights Flow From God
See a CRTL spokesman interviewed
See a CRTL spokesman interviewed about Republican presidential politics during a Super Bowl party protest at the home of a Weitz construction firm executive. The Weitz Corporation constructs billions of dollars worth of building projects nationwide and after extensive early warnings, they refused to pull out of the building of Colorado’s largest abortion mill. The […]
CRTL on KOA about Birth Control in Denver Schools
Board Member Lolita Hanks spoke with Dan Caplis on Denver’s KOA 850AM about the intention of Denver city schools to pass out birth control to students with parental consent. [mp3]files/audio/lolita.KOA-birth-control.mp3[/mp3]Board Member Lolita Hanks spoke with Dan Caplis on Denver’s KOA 850AM about the intention of Denver city schools to pass out birth control to students […]
CRTL on Birth Control in Godless Schools
A local TV news report regards a Denver Public School proposal to distribute birth control and the morning after pill to high school students: Denver’s CBS affiliate News 4 reporter Raj Chohan: Not everyone agrees. Groups like Colorado Right to Life strongly oppose the plan, and believe it will send a wrong message to kids […]
CRTL President on Crosstalk Radio
CRTL President, Brian Rohrbough, was recently interviewed on the Crosstalk radio program. [mp3]/files/audio/crosstalk-070621.mp3[/mp3]