Colorado RTL

Colorado Right To Life Warning Against Proposition 115

Everything is backwards. Trump’s judicial nominees do not hold to the right to life of the unborn child yet “pro-life” leaders are giddy to support them. Colorado’s damned Proposition 115 will help to kill thousands more unborn children but those same giddy leaders lack both the wisdom to understand and even the humility to consider […]


  Dear Friends,   This powerful billboard message is currently displayed 2 blocks from the massive Planned Parenthood complex in Denver where our tiny brothers and sisters are being violently murdered.   The CRTL billboard will come down at the end of February because someone else has purchased it for 2 months. By faith, we have contracted for an […]

CRTL Replaces Abortion Billboard with Two Affirming Life!

Colorado RTL replaced this billboard, which had been encouraging the dismemberment of unborn children: with two of this great image, one downtown Denver and the other on the very board the proaborts had on I-70: Abortion is wrong because it’s a baby and it’s always wrong to intentionally kill a baby and that’s because children are made in God’s image and […]

Every Republican Justice Since Roe Rejects the Child’s Right To Life, Gorsuch Too

Who never said the following? “An unborn child has a right to life.” If you said Justice Roberts, you’re right! If you said Justice Alito, you’re right! If you said Justice Thomas, you’re right! If you said Justice Souter, you’re right! If you said Justice Kennedy, you’re right! If you said Justice Scalia, you’re right! […]

CBS 4 Airs CRTL Warning on the Defunding Diversion

CBS News 4 In Denver relayed this warning from anti-abortion activist: Susan Sutherland with Colorado Right to Life [who] said that defunding Planned Parenthood would not accomplish the greater goal. “Planned Parenthood could be defunded today, and they’ll have plenty of funds,” Sutherland said. “They’ll have any number of people who’ll step in and fund […]

CRTL’s 2-Minute Contribution to the Viral Videos Phenomenon

A TEACHABLE MOMENT Outrage Over Body Parts Videos Squandered by Defunding Efforts Defund Planned Parenthood Bills Typically Fund Abortion Politicians Against PP Funding Give Record Funds to Abortion  Lesson from Presidential History: Former president George W. Bush claimed to be against tax funding of abortion yet the Bush administration increased funding to Planned Parenthood by nearly […]