Alan Keyes Encouragement to Colorado’s Personhood Launch: Ambassador Alan Keyes, who represented America and Ronald Reagan at the United Nations, passed along these comments to the gathering on April 4, 2013 at Cherry Hills Community Church: “Like all of us, little Brady Surovik was made by God, in His image and in His likeness, which […]
CRTL’s Everett Stadig Helps Catch Criminal
Everett Stadig, personhood activist and a member of Colorado Right To Life, was assaulted in the line of duty (while collecting pro-life signatures) and when the police DNA tested the suspect, the found out that William Costello was a criminal wanted for serial rape of three women, ages 13, 22, and 49, from 2008 to […]
Mary Carried Jesus for Nine Months
From one of the web’s most popular articles, written by CRTL, on: What Does the Bible Say About Abortion? The New Testament refers to Jesus in the womb as a “child”. The Bible also indicates that Mary had a normal gestation period while carrying Jesus. (See Luke 2:1-6 and 1:56-57.) The Lord’s body was developing […]
Republican Party: We Don’t Need No Social Issues
DENVER, Election Day, Nov. 6, 2012 — Republican “moderates” like Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney lose elections, while candidates that have appealed to the party’s pro-life core, like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, win by energizing the base. So, disdaining their pro-family base, the Republican Party has bragged that it is moving […]
The Colorado 2012 Right To Life Amendment
Nov. 6, 2012 Update: Amendments don’t lie. While politicians from all political parties often compromise and misrepresent themselves even on life and death matters, amendments, written on paper, don’t reconsider; they don’t change their mind; and they don’t don’t lie. The Colorado Personhood Coalition has filed suit as explained in the following press release […]
Before Personhood, CRTL Withheld the Truth about John Roberts
Headline from the 2005 Press Release Suppressed by CRTL:Colorado Right To Life Calls on Pro-Life Leaders to Drop Support for Roberts’ Nomination [2012 Update: The release below was published in 2005 by current CRTL leaders but sadly, through other outlets. At the time it was written, CRTL vetoed this press release. Fast-forward seven years. Now […]
CRTL Mother’s Day Billboard at I-76 & I-270
To celebrate Mother’s Day 2012, Colorado Right To Life put up this billboard at one of Colorado’s busiest highway intersections: To help us continue to remind and educate Coloradans about the God-given right to life, please support CRTL financially. Just click this donate button…
2012 Caucus Personhood Resolution
PLEASE BRING THIS RESOLUTION TO YOUR CAUCUS ON TUESDAY First find the location of your neighborhood caucus meeting and attend it on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Then, when the chairman ask if anyone has a resolution to offer, simply provide him with a printout of this resolution, and you can read the […]
Colorado March for Life 2012
Update: Colorado’s 2012 March for Life was an important event as we build toward a personhood victory in Colorado! Hundreds of pro-lifers encouraged one another an greatly appreciated speakers Kevin Swanson, Pastor Ron Fox, Guabe Garcia Jones, Mike Adams, Jo Scott, Doug McBurney, and Pastor Michael Walker. See also the Denver Post report: March for […]
Anti-Slavery Garrison Instructs Pro-Lifers
Lessons Learned from the Leading U.S. Abolitionist Effective pro-lifers will learn the key lessons from the battle to end slavery. Henry Mayer summarized his definitive biography aof abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, All on Fire, with the excerpts below. In Garrison’s day, the political power, money and influence overwhelmingly supported compromise on slavery including the colonization […]