Tag: Amendment 62


UPDATE: A62 is the Only Pro-Life Issue on the Ballot Nationwide! CONGRATULATIONS to the more than 1,400 petition circulators and to the co-sponsors, CRTL’s very own Leslie Hanks and Gualberto Garcia-Jones of Personhood Colorado! The Colorado Secretary of State has certified that Personhood Amendment 62, Definition of Person, will appear on the statewide ballot in […]

Blue Book Alternative for 2010 Election

Thank you to the Blue Book Alternative! Blatant false information in Colorado’s official, though biased, 2010 Blue Book voter guide includes this outright lie from Planned Parenthood and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) that, “Amendment 62 may also limit… treatment for miscarriages,” which is false because in a miscarriage, tragically, the baby has already died. […]

Amendment 62 Election Results Analysis

Amendment 62 Election Results Analysis

Conventional Wisdom Busted as 30% Oppose ALL Abortion: Conventional wisdom claimed that only 15% of voters in America will support a 100% abortion ban (which Personhood requires, even in saving the mother’s life when the need is not to “terminate” but to deliver the baby). CRTL is proving that all the Gallup polls and claims […]

Pam Tebow Endorses CRTL Personhood Amendment!

Denver, CO – 10/18/2010 – Following the exciting endorsement of the American Family Association and many other Christian groups and leaders, now Pam Tebow, mother of five including Denver Bronco Tim Tebow, has endorsed Colorado’s 2010 Personhood Amendment. “A child’s right to life begins at conception, not at birth. From conception, all children are people, […]

Amendment 62 Videos

  See more A62 videos!                       Colorado Right To Life1535 Grant Street #303Denver CO 80203303-753-9394office@ColoradoRTL.org Please DONATE Today to Colorado RTL!

CRTL Banquet – October 2, 2010

    Or call Colorado Right To Life at 303-753-9394. Previous CRTL Speakers have included:– Dr. Alan Keyes– Lila Rose– Gianna Jessen– Walter Hoye– Phill Kline– Eve Sanchez-Silver– Jill Stanek– Brian Rohrbough– Archbishop Charles Chaput– Starr Parker– Judie Brown– Flip Benham– Clennard Childress– Jesse Lee Peterson– Sherry Williams– Will Duffy– Rebecca Kiesslling– Maria Lancaster

Beginning of Biological Development

Amendment 62 Co-Sponsors Refute Colorado’s Legislative Council’s False Claimre: Beginning of Biological Development [The Colorado state government has mailed its biased “Blue Book” to millions of voters, analyzing the 2010 ballot including Amendment 62. Colorado RTL with our Amendment 62 co-sponsor is suing requesting the state mail an addendum to each voter, but in the […]

Personhood Wins Big in Colo Primaries

Ed Hanks’ Analysis of Colo GOP Primary [Update on Tambor Williams: See the CRTL Report, Tambor Williams is Not Pro-life, on Dan Maes’ tragic choice for Lt. Governor.] Full article is at Ed’s pro-personhood blog lookingontherightside.com. Excerpts: [Update on Ken Buck: Buck has already broken all his pro-life campaign promises. As the Republican candidate for […]

CRTL 2010 Candidate Survey

Please consider your responses to the questions below and then mail your answers back to us at 1535 Grant Street, Suite 303, 80203 or e-mail the completed form to office@ColoradoRTL.org. Both, during the primary and during the general election campaign, we will mail voter guides out to registered pro-lifers and post the results of our […]