Pam Tebow Endorses CRTL Personhood Amendment!

Denver, CO – 10/18/2010 – Following the exciting endorsement of the American Family Association and many other Christian groups and leaders, now Pam Tebow, mother of five including Denver Bronco Tim Tebow, has endorsed Colorado’s 2010 Personhood Amendment.

“A child’s right to life begins at conception, not at birth. From conception, all children are people, made in the image and likeness of God. Thus, I support the Personhood amendment and appeal to Colorado voters to vote ‘yes’ on amendment 62!” -Pam Tebo

Focus on the Family was silent throughout the campaign, never even mentioning on the radio this state-wide ballot initiative in their home state. But thankfull, they did provide a private letter of endorsement and just days before the election posted this online:

Focus on the Family endorses Amendment 62!

Regarding the Tebow endorsement, Pam made headline news when she and Heisman-trophy winning son Tim Tebow appeared in a pro-life television ad during the 2010 Superbowl. The real headline story was not the ad, but Pam’s refusal to let doctor’s take her son’s life while she was pregnant. The ad was sponsored by Focus on the Family, which has also urged Colorado voters to vote “Yes” on Amendment 62.

In an interview with Focus on the Family, the Tebows explained the circumstances of Pam’s high-risk pregnancy. Pam recalled, “We went to see a doctor in the town we lived in and she said [he] wasn’t a baby at all. [She said] he was a mass of fetal tissue and that I needed to abort him immediately if I was going to save my life.” Despite a myriad of concerns about Pam’s life and the life of her baby, the Tebows fought through a difficult pregnancy and gave their son life.

“Pam Tebow had the courage and conviction to choose life, despite desperate circumstances,” commented Keith Mason, Manager of the Yes on 62 Campaign. “Parents facing difficult pregnancies should realize that the child in their womb is a person, just as Pam Tebow realized her son’s humanity, value, and dignity while he was in the womb. He is just as much of a person today as he was when the doctor advised that he be aborted.”

“Pam Tebow’s testimony serves as an inspiration to women in difficult pregnancies,” added Leslie Hanks, cosponsor of Amendment 62. “Although it was challenging, Pam did the right thing, and the world is a better place for it. Likewise, Colorado’s “Yes” vote on Amendment 62 is the right thing for Colorado. Amendment 62 will ensure that Colorado is a better, safer place for women and for preborn babies.”