Colo RTL Thanks Caucus Goers!
Colorado Right To Life thanks all pro-lifers who went to our 2008 state caucus. We've heard from our members who went and gathered many personhood petition signatures, from those who introduced and passed personhood resolutions (see below), and from those elected as delegates! Please email us your story!
Supporting the 2008 Personhood Effort Resolution
WHEREAS, the God-given right to life from our Creator comes not at birth but at our creation; and
WHEREAS, the state of Mississippi unleashed the “legitimized” killing of unborn children on America in 1966 using the brutality of rape as an excuse, and Colorado then extended that state’s crime in 1967 by “legalizing” abortion for rape, incest, and health excuses; and
WHEREAS, in the past twenty seconds, an unborn child in America was killed by a surgical or chemical abortion; and
WHEREAS, in the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision Republican Justice Harry Blackmun wrote that if "personhood is established, the [abortion] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed… The [pro-abortion side] conceded as much on reargument"; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Colorado _________ Party that we support the 2008 personhood amendment sponsored by Colorado for Equal Rights to define "person" to include any human being from the moment of fertilization.
Resolution recommended by Colorado Right To Life.
Judiciary Crisis Resolution
WHEREAS, seven of the nine current United States Supreme Court Justices have been nominated by Republican Presidents; and
WHEREAS, Justice Clarence Thomas has written his opinion that he would allow the government to permit the killing of unborn children; and
WHEREAS, Justice Antonin Scalia has publicly stated that he would strike down any law that prohibited abortion in all fifty states; and
WHEREAS, not a single justice on the Republican U.S. Supreme Court defends the personhood and right to life of the unborn; and
WHEREAS, the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision was written by a Republican Justice, and
WHEREAS, Roe. v. Wade was passed by a Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, and
WHEREAS sixty percent of the United States federal judiciary has been nominated by Republican presidents; and
WHEREAS the federal judiciary is overwhelming pro-abortion, now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED by the Colorado _________ Party that we recognize a moral crisis in the federal judiciary, and that the Colorado Republican Party and the National Republican Party are significantly to blame for America’s judicial moral crisis, and that to address this crisis, the Colorado __________ Party should support personhood and the God-given right to life of the unborn as the strategy toward ending legitimized child killing in America.
Resolution recommended by Colorado Right To Life.