See Judie Brown in Colorado
CRTL's $100-a-plate Fundraiser SOLD OUT!
UPDATE: Both Denver and Colorado Springs fundraising diners were a great success helping to put Personhood on Colorado's November ballot in 2008…
April 4 & 5 for Personhood!
Meet Judie at an Italian Fest, fabulous Personhood fundraising dinners for $100-a-plate on April 4th & 5th!
RSVP required: 303 753-9394
As president and cofounder of American Life League, Judie Brown advocates enforcement, without exception, of the God-given right to life of every person from the moment of fertilization! Judie's pro-life activism began during a Washington state referendum campaign in 1970 and with God's blessing, continues today as she brings great encouruagement to Colorado's Personhood effort. Come out to help get Personhood on the Novemember ballot, and enjoy an Italian Fest:
Denver: Friday April 4, 7:00 p.m. at Cinzetti's Italian Market at 1-25 & 104th Ave
Colo Spgs: Sat. Apr 5, 6:30 p.m. at Giuseppe's Old Depot at 10 S Sierra Madre
Please RSVP now to 303 753-9394 and come to help sponsor Kristi Burton get the Personhood initiative on the November ballot!