We Need Your Testimony Against HB22-1279
The wicked abortion bill, HB22-1279, which allows for the unabated murder of our preborn neighbors has now moved on to the Senate and is scheduled to be heard on Thursday, March 17 at the Capitol. This hearing will take place in the Old State Library and we must be ready to begin testifying at 9:00 am.
We recognize that this is a David and Goliath moment. We must not waiver! Let us go with God as our shield!

Your testimony is crucial! We need every one of you to be at the Capitol in person or via Zoom. Please stop what you’re doing and immediately sign up to give a 2 minute testimony. Have no fear; it’s easy to do and our dearest tiny unborn neighbors are counting on us to be their voice.
The information you need to know in order to make your way through the sign-up form is:
This is a Senate Judiciary Committee bill, The Reproductive Health Equity Act/HB22-1279 to be heard Thursday, March 17. You may notice the term, “Upon Adjournment”, which simply means, there will be preliminary discussion by the committee in the morning and they will most likely begin hearing testimony beginning at 9:00 am, after their discussion. We must be ready to go! Our 1st effort last week was “Project 100” and we far surpassed having 100 people testifying against the bill. Let’s boldly aim for “Project 200”!
Here is the link to sign up:
May our collective and fervent prayers be a heavenly symphony.
With grateful hearts for each of you,
The Directors, Colorado RTL
or call CRTL at 303-753-9394