Please, Gazette, Don’t Take Our Side

Dear Editor:

Please Gazette, don’t take our side. Retract your endorsement of the Personhood initiative (Gazette, The Case for Amendment 48, Oct. 29, 2008) which we are working so hard to pass. Colorado Right To Life rebukes the Gazette for its utter lack of humility before our Creator God. In your endorsement you acknowledge that the unborn child is a living human being, a person, and recommend a Yes vote. But then you claim that if society wants to kill those kids, you give the example of a Down syndrome child, then so be it; let them be killed. We rebuke you.

There is no bottom to that abyss. Worse even than Obama saying he doesn’t know when human life begins, is McCain saying that rights begin at conception and then funding as he does the killing of countless unborn. Human beings are not animals. Fish eat other fish. The rights of Blacks don’t come from a white-dominated government, nor do the rights of Jews come from Germans, nor do a child’s rights come from a mob or a majority. An unborn girl’s rights come from her Creator, not at birth, but at the moment of her creation. The Gazette says, yes, these tiny children are people, but go ahead and kill them. Please, don’t take our side.

Joe Riccobono
Colorado Right To Life