Republican Candidate Bob Schaffer in the Twilight Zone
Here is the Twilight Zone interview with ‘pro-life’ Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer regarding Colorado RTL’s accusation of his disregard for Chinese women forced to abort their children, and read the excellent Rocky Mtn News report on the Schaffer scandal, and ask yourself, would anti-slavery statesman William Wilberforce ever have behaved in this way…
April 28, 2008
Monday Morning Politicking with Bob Schaffer by Jeremy Pelzer: …discussed recent reports regarding his 1999 trip to the Northern Marianas Islands… Schaffer was accompanied by his campaign manager, Dick Wadhams, who jumped into the conversation at several points.
PolitickerCO: The campaign’s been fairly quiet about the whole Marianas Islands controversy since it came out in the Post about a week or so ago. What’s your take on this whole controversy and how it’s played out?
Schaffer: Why don’t you describe the controversy? [Read the rest of this wild interview…]
Here is the Twilight Zone interview with ‘pro-life’ Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer regarding Colorado RTL’s accusation of his disregard for Chinese women forced to abort their children, and read the excellent Rocky Mtn News report on the Schaffer scandal, and ask yourself, would anti-slavery statesman William Wilberforce ever have behaved in this way…
April 28, 2008
Monday Morning Politicking with Bob Schaffer by Jeremy Pelzer: …discussed recent reports regarding his 1999 trip to the Northern Marianas Islands… Schaffer was accompanied by his campaign manager, Dick Wadhams, who jumped into the conversation at several points.
PolitickerCO: The campaign’s been fairly quiet about the whole Marianas Islands controversy since it came out in the Post about a week or so ago. What’s your take on this whole controversy and how it’s played out?
Schaffer: Why don’t you describe the controversy?
PolitickerCO: Well, just that the Post put out a series of articles detailing how, one, you went to the Marianas Islands and it was funded by or organized by Preston Gates…
Schaffer: Really? Was it?
Wadhams: No.(Politickerco Editor’s Note: Schaffer’s trip, according to the Denver Post, was not paid for by Preston Gates, jailed lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s former law firm. According to the Post, it was paid for by the California-based Traditional Values Coalition, which Schaffer described as a religious group “concerned with human rights.” The Post also reported that “Later investigations have shown that in many instances, TVC – which claims to represent 43,000 churches – acted virtually as a political arm of Abramoff’s lobbying operation.”)
Schaffer: Why don’t you take the opportunity to substantiate your comment just now?
PolitickerCO: Sure, sure. This is just -well, what is your take on the controversy? Why don’t you fill me in?
Schaffer: Why don’t you describe the controversy?
PolitickerCO: The controversy?
Schaffer: Yeah.
PolitickerCO: Well, just what’s been in the papers, and there’s a whole series of things – and I’m not asking you so much to talk about the controversy itself, but how’s it’s played out and what the reaction’s been in the media and — that’s what I’m going for.
Schaffer: Well, the Denver Post has a hard time arriving at a factual and truthful representation of a 1998 event (Politickerco Editor’s Note: Schaffer visited the Marianas in August of 1999). And that probably causes controversy for the Denver Post. Maybe you should take it up with them.
PolitickerCO: Just trying to get your take on it. Just trying to get your take on it.
Schaffer: I’m not sure what “it” is. I’m asking you to describe that.
Note: If William Wilberforce were interviewed about his efforts against slavery, he would never have behaved as bizarrely as ‘pro-life’ Bob Schaffer. Wilberforce was a hero and a statesman. Schaffer comes across as an inept politician complete with Republican hack Dick Wadhams as a sidekick, whose about to speak up and turn bad to worse…
PolitickerCO: The controversy-the reaction to the Denver Post articles. That’s what I mean by “it.” And what you see as the effect–
Schaffer: Jeremy, if you’re going to ask me-anyway, now listen, I love questions. I love talking about campaigns. If you’ve got something you want me to answer, you’ve got to tell me what you want me to answer.
PolitickerCO: I’m trying to tell you right now. I’m asking what your take is on the reaction and the effect of the Denver Post articles on this topic- that’s my question.
Schaffer: I think it’s probably hurt the credibility of the Denver Post.
PolitickerCO: Why?
Schaffer: Well, because when any news organization fails to report accurately and completely on any topic, readers tend to, um, assign lower and lower levels of credibility to reporters that make no pretense for objectivity – a political reporter, any kind of reporter.
PolitickerCO: What specifically – when you say inaccurate, what do you mean?
Schaffer: Things that they stated that were not true.
PolitickerCO: Like what?
Schaffer: You can, uh…Well, there were several. But frankly, I’m not here to talk about the Denver Post. If that’s an interest to you-I mean, it’s nice that you ask about the Denver Post, and I’ve made some comments, but you probably ought to talk to the Denver Post about their stories, their reporting, their controversies. I’m just not hired by them to do that.
PolitickerCO: Sure. There’s been a story in the – (Rocky Mountain News’ Lynn) Bartels wrote one, and there was one in the Post too about (Politickerco Editor’s Note: American Right To Life Action head and former Colorado GOP Chair) Steve Curtis questioning your pro-life credentials because he claims you ignored forced abortions-
Schaffer: What example did he give?
PolitickerCO: What example did he give?
Schaffer: What example did he give? Yeah.
PolitickerCO: He offered the testimony of that woman whose name escapes me, who claimed that her husband went undercover – he’s a Filipino-American – and she claimed that he went undercover and after that-
Wadhams: Curtis did not make that claim, Jeremy. You’ve got it all mixed up.(Politickerco Editor’s Note: Curtis did not cite the woman, Wendy Doromal, in either the Post or the Rocky story. Doromal’s allegations were reported concurrently along with Curtis’ attacks in the Rocky Mountain News article.)
PolitickerCO: But…no. He pointed to that. He definitely did point to that.
Schaffer: I don’t think so.
Wadhams: No, you’re mixing up Curtis with that left-wing activist who-
PolitickerCO: But Curtis pointed to a left-wing activist who-
Schaffer: Curtis’ story was about a Chinese woman.(Politickerco Editor’s Note: The Post article states, “According to Colorado Right to Life officials, Shiu Yon Zhou, a member of the group, was forced to undergo a forced abortion in China and later sought refuge in the U.S., where she eventually became a citizen.” American Right To Life Action is an offshoot of Colorado Right To Life).
PolitickerCO: He made several claims.(Politickerco Editor’s note: According to the Rocky article, American Right To Life Action wanted to know if Schaffer would reconsider his congressional vote giving favored-nation trading status to China “given reports of forced abortions in China and involving Chinese workers in the Marianas.”)
PolitickerCO: He also said that you had not weighed in on the personhood referendum, proposed referendum-
Schaffer: Yeah, let’s not get beyond these basic questions. What was the example he gave?
PolitickerCO: I’m sorry? Which example?
Schaffer: You asked me to react to somebody’s, maybe Curtis’, allegation that I somehow turned my back on human life issues. And I’m asking, what is the example? And you’ve not answered that.
PolitickerCO: But do you know what he said?
Wadhams: Jeremy, this whole interview stands in stark contrast to that fluff piece you did on Udall. I don’t know if we’re going to go any further on this. So if you want to continue with this line of questioning, we’re going to cut it off right now.
PolitickerCO: All right, I’ll move on to the next question.
Wadhams: Very good.
PolitickerCO: Not a problem.
Wadhams: Keep moving.
PolitickerCO: Sure. [Turning to Schaffer] What has been your take on the campaign in general so far? Has it played out the way that you expected it to, or has there been surprises for you?
Schaffer: It’s going great…
PolitickerCO: I should ask you – what do you think of the proposed referendum to recognize an embryo as a person? Do you have an opinion on that?
Schaffer: I’m running for the U.S. Senate, and I’m going to keep my focus on the U.S. Senate race. As I understand, these referendums have to do with state laws, and I’m running for the U.S. Senate, which is in Washington.
PolitickerCO: Sure. And what is your take on the Obama/Clinton race. Have you been following it at all?
Schaffer: Mm-hmm.
PolitickerCO: And what do you think about that?
Schaffer: Well, they’re very dedicated and passionate liberals. …
Allegedly pro-life Schaffer went down the rabbit hole…
posted by George Holdorf In this hysterical interview (thanks PolickerCO for posting it verbatim) allegedly pro-life Bob Schaffer claimed that local Colorado issues (like the killing of our unborn) are not relevant to him, he’s more concerned about getting to D.C.Schaffer out-Clintoned Clinton in a Saturday-Night-Live style “Definition of Is” extended skit. Dick (You’re-not-paranoid-if they’re-really-after-you) Wadhams didn’t allow Schaffer to defend against accusations he was negligent while parasailing/investigating abortion that is forced on Chinese workers in the Mariana Islands, a U.S. protectorate in the Pacific.If PolitickerCO decides to ask Schaffer about this negligence again, the brief overview at this Denver radio show’s site, will help.
Schaffer is a parasitic liar
posted by Boulder Guy
Bob Schaffer is not pro-life and this interview is the proof in the pudding. Why, Bob and Dick, are you dancing around and refusing to answer questions? Because the answers will expose you as a fake? These are valid questions, about Schaffer’s looking the other way when faced with forced abortions and his “could care less” attitude regarding the personhood effort in Colorado. Ahhhh, maybe you wine sippin, power hungry, Good Ol’ Boy’s don’t want to address the issue because you are not really pro-life.
It’s all about getting lots of votes from people who are dumb enough to think you are really pro-life, isn’t it Bob? Wake up people; Republicans lie as much as the dumbocraps. I for one am fully committed to getting the word out about what a fake Bobby and Dick are…..while 4000 innocent little kids are snuffed out each day in our country.
Bob, please repent and help stop this genocide NOW!
04/30/08 6:50 pm
You can’t support Bob AND be pro-life
posted by Billy D
PolitickerCO: I should ask you – what do you think of the proposed referendum to recognize an embryo as a person? Do you have an opinion on that?
Schaffer: I’m running for the U.S. Senate, and I’m going to keep my focus on the U.S. Senate race. As I understand, these referendums have to do with state laws, and I’m running for the U.S. Senate, which is in Washington.
Pathetic Bob. You’re not pro-life. You’re a liar. Innocent children are being murdered and you don’t care about anyone but yourself and your Senate race. Repent Bob.
04/29/08 5:22 pm
Save Yourself Bob
posted by Bill Press
As a past Schaffer supporter, I thing Bob should just come clean about the entire Marianas Island trip…who paid for it, what he was paid to do, and what he did about it when he returned. Dodging questions life the ones found in this interview only undermines his credibility. Also, I wonder why he would grant this interview with PolitickerCO, then act this way. The interview is truly bizzare. I also wonder why he wouldn’t meet with the pro-life groups and try to address their concerns prior to this entire fiasco. Does he really believe that his campaign will survive by acting in this manner? Duck, dodge, spin, get angry, act confused? Weird, weird, weird.