Repub. Senate Pres. Bill Cadman Should Stop Affirming Abortion

For immediate release:

Colorado RTL Urging Republican Senate President Cadman
Not to Reaffirm Abortion in Moment of Crisis

Denver, 3/31/15 — Colorado Republican Bill Cadman is opposing efforts to pass a Fetal Homicide bill that is abortion neutral. The Senate president is unwittingly making a horrific moment even worse. “The unconscionable crime against Michelle Wilkins and her baby Aurora in no conceivable way justifies Cadman’s plan,” said CRTL president Biff Gore, “which would mar new legislation by using it to reaffirm abortion.”

While the abortion industry opposes any kind of fetal homicide legislation, Sen. Cadman is playing into Planned Parenthood’s hands by using his office to affirm their core business. Alternative legislation, appearing in full just below, has previously passed the Republican-controlled House. This single-sentence bill is abortion neutral because, unlike other states’ laws, it authorizes homicide charges while neither addressing nor affirming abortion.

“If the commission of any crime in this Title [18 of the Colorado Criminal Code] or Title 42 of the Colorado Revised Statutes is the proximate cause of death or injury to an unborn member of the species Homo sapiens, the respective homicide and assault charges for that death or injury may be brought contemporaneously with the underlying charges.”

“We ask Senate President Bill Cadman to reverse course,” said CRTL vice president Susan Sutherland, “and to oppose any effort to explicitly exempt some killing of unborn children. Colorado deserves fetal homicide legislation not bogged down in abortion politics.”

Contact Donna Ballentine
Colorado Right to Life

Please Help: Please contact Republican state legislators, initially especially the senators at 720-432-3467, and ask them to introduce a fetal homicide bill that does not reaffirm abortion.