Our Gazette Letter on Regulating Abortion
Colorado RTL's letter to the editor in the Colorado Springs Gazette newspaper (Focus on the Family's hometown paper):
Regulating abortions doesn't end the practice
I never said that a bill requiring Colorado abortionists to offer an ultrasound to women, "would have done nothing to stop women from getting abortions" ("Abortion sides agree," The Gazette, Feb. 12; "Corrections," The Gazette, March 1). Of course such a law would have the possibility of saving the lives of some precious children.
Colorado Right to Life opposes every law that regulates the killing of unborn children:
because regardless of the intention, such laws violate God's enduring command, "Do not murder,"
because they merely prune the abortion weed and strengthen its root,
because such laws make abortion seem more palatable to the public and to politicians,
because our conservative judges who uphold such laws become increasingly hostile to the right to life of the unborn, and
because if Roe v. Wade is overturned, such laws will keep abortion legal in Colorado
because they end with the meaning, "and then you can kill the baby."
Joe Riccobono
President, Colorado Right to Life