Missouri Group Launches Campaign for Personhood Rights of Pre-Born Babies

By Keith Mason

Missouri is the latest state to launch a drive for a personhood amendment.

The campaign in Missouri is headed by Dr. Gregory Thompson of Personhood Missouri. Missouri joins Florida, Montana, ColorMissouriado, and Mississippi, which started a personhood drive earlier in 2009.
“What we’re attempting to do is to put forth an initiative petition that would have a person defined in the state constitution, that the term ‘person’ shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being,” he notes.
Thompson is already organizing volunteers to gather the needed signatures. “We’re looking at probably close to 200,000,” he adds. “We’re going to try and get about 225,000. That’ll be our goal, so that you have that cushion in there if there’s any game playing to try to throw any names out.”
He says that success will really depend on the degree of effort from the church because he believes the issue is critical in God’s eyes. Thompson points to Proverbs 6, which explains how God feels about the shedding of innocent blood.