Meet Detective Lila Rose at the CRTL Banquet Sept. 26, 2009

Colorado RTL invites you to attend our annual banquet with your children, to stand for the personhood of the unborn child and to meet Lila Rose and let her inspire you and your family by her love for the Lord and for the innocent!
Please mark your calendar right now for Saturday, September 26, at 6:00 p.m. and call Donna at our office at 303-753-9394 to make your reservation (or at least to get on our vital mailing list)! We’re sure that you and your family will have a wonderful time, so please call and register for our banquet now!
The banquest will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Denver. Tickets are $75.00 per adult and $50.00 per student.
Do you know what this young lady, Lila Rose, has done for the Lord and for the innocent?
She goes undercover into Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and she obtains video evidence of their hard-heartedness against women and children.
Just this month the state of Tennessee has used evidence from Lila’s private citizen sting operation and they voted to stop funding one abortion provider. Your CRTL officers have brought the same kind of undercover evidence to our own state’s Attorney General demanding that our state protect children, born and unborn, from the abortionists’ crimes.
Now, Colorado RTL invites you and your children to our annual banquet to hear Lila Rose and to see her present the extraordinary video evidence that she has courageously obtained!
Another young Christian woman participated in our CRTL speech contest a few years ago, Kristi Burton. The Lord used her to bring personhood to the Colorado ballot, and not only did 585,000 people vote to end all abortion in our state, but so far this year, a dozen other states have followed our lead and have introduced personhood bills, amendments, or have begun the petition process to get on the ballot! It’s amazing what God can do through one person, even one of our young men and women!
JOY is Jesus, Others, and You, in that order. Jesus, our Creator and Savior, expressed His deep love for little children, and said that what we do to the least of these we do unto Him. Serving Jesus Christ by advocating for the God-given right to life and the personhood of innocent children is a great example to your own kids! This is our fight. Ending slavery fell to heroic Christians like Harriet Tubman and William Wilberforce. And now, your children need you to be their hero!
Please stand with us, as we stand with the Lord! Realize that it is our own children and grandchildren that we are fighting for. A nation that kills its own children is a dangerous place for our young ones to grow up into young adults. Abortion in-creases the sexual pressure on grow-ing kids because it’s one of Satan’s deceptions, that unmarried young people can give into temptation and have sex without consequence. The immorality presses upon our children, as they mature, even into their 20s and 30s. We must fight this fight. The liberals will not fight it. The homosexuals will not. The atheists will not. Even most ‘pro-life’ conservatives can co-exist comfortably for another 40 years with abortion clinics in our cities. If you love the Lord, and His children, this is your fight. It is our fight. We will fight with you.
“Do not kill the innocent.” -Ex. 23:7. “Deliver those drawn toward death.” -Prov. 24:11. “The babe leaped in my womb for joy.” -Lk. 1:44.
Colorado Right To Life invites you to attend our annual banquet with your children, meet Lila Rose, and let her inspire you and your family by her love for the Lord and for the innocent!
Could your child be the next Lila Rose?
Please mark your calendar right now for Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. and call Donna at our office at 303-753-9394 to make your reservation (or to just get on our vital mailing list)!
If you’d like, you can also email us at But we’re certain that you and your family will have a wonderful time, so please call and register for our banquet now