First radio ad for the Brady Amendment
CRTL’s first radio ad for the 2014 Brady amendment (petitions due by Sept. 3, 2013) aired during a one-week period in June. Listen to his 60-second Gosnell, Brady, Peter Singer spot that aired 120 times on Denver’s conservative AM radio stations KNUS & KRKS.
Related: Hear also our first 2012 Amendment 62 radio advertisement, the George Stephens spot.
Sign the Brady Amendment Before September: Please call or email Colorado RTL right away to get your Brady Amendment personhood petition for our fourth round battle to get Colorado to uphold the God-given right to life and personhood of every unborn child!
With your financial support, we can run powerful radio ads and a targeted social media Internet outreach to motivate more Christians to join the fight to stop the murder. To win this war requires leadership, right judgment, pragmatism (knowing what actually works), energy, courage, and God’s blessing. Please help CRTL fight by giving financial support right now! We need everyone to help, No Exceptions!
Colorado Right To Life
1535 Grant Street, Suite 303
Denver, CO 80203
Please donate now to CRTL!