CO Personhood Amendment Going Strong

Colorado Right To Life’s Personhood Amendment 2010 is going strong…

Jesus said you will know them by their fruit (Mat. 7:16). Colorado’s historic 2008 Personhood Amendment was the first such statewide vote in the nation. A year later, Christians have introduced personhood petition drives and are gathering signatures in California, Colorado (again!), Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, and Oregon. Georgia Right To Life is heading up personhood efforts there, and twenty other states are introducing similar bills or developing personhood efforts!

Conventional wisdom held that only 12% of the population would vote for a total abortion ban, and with 27% of the vote in liberal Colorado, we more than doubled that assumption earning 600,000 votes! Now, Colorado RTL needs your help to donate or gather signatures (we don’t mind if you pick either one ) to get back on the ballot to continue the influence of Colorado’s Christian and homeschool community on the nation and the world! This is an example of Christian leadership to our kids!  

Mark your calendar for Fri. Jan. 22, 2010 for our March for Life!


Reminder: the Supreme Court once said these men weren’t ‘persons’ either. Please help CRTL fight for the personhood of unborn children!

Three Top Assets of the Body of Christ in America:

Homeschooling The Creation Movement Personhood

The board of Colorado RTL commends the Christian homeschool movement in Colorado! And CRTL recognizes that three of the greatest assets available to the church in America are our growing homeschool movement, the growing creation movement, and the growing personhood movement! Each of these are founded upon God’s Word! As Christians, ending abortion is our fight! We serve the Lord by advocating for the personhood and the God-given right to life of unborn children. Ending slavery fell to heroic Christians like Harriet Tubman and William Wilberforce. And now, your children need you to be their hero!

Colorado Right To Life asks you to support the Personhood wing of the pro-life movement! Please help by making an online donation or donate by phone 303 753-9394.

 E-mail us at, or call to start gathering signatures to help us get on the 2010 ballot, and to sign up for our email alerts!” -Joe Riccobono, longtime homeschool dad and president of Colorado Right To Life