BEARfoot for Babies Live Webcast this Week
Click to watch the BEARfoot for Babies Live Webcast.
Schedule of live-streamed events:
Monday, October 4, 2010
Ms. Lila Rose
Founder, Live Action
Presentation at 11:30am MST
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fr. Tad Pacholcyzk
Director of Education, National Catholic Bioethics Center ; renowned Catholic bioethics speaker on Stem Cell Research
Presentation at 6:30pm MST
Ms. Carol Everett
Former Planned Parenthood abortion provider, pro-life speaker and star of Blood Money
Presentation at 6:30pm MST
Mrs. Rebecca Kiessling
Pro-Life speaker conceived in rape
Presentation at 6:30pm MST
Friday, October 8, 2010
Mr. Brian Gail
Author of the New York Times best seller, Fatherless
Presentation 8:30am MST
*Live streaming will commence at time of event.