Your Caucus: Add’l Information

If you are a registered Republican or Democrat, please plan to attend your party precinct caucus meeting on Tue., March 16, 2010 to get signatures and pass a resolution! (Click to find your precinct number and your caucus location.) In 2008, the Personhood Resolution was passed at precincts statewide, and then at the county and state assemblies! And because registered voters attend the caucus, again this year you should be able to obtain many personhood signatures!

You must be registered as either a Democrat or a Republican to participate in their caucuses, and you must know your precinct number to find your meeting location. (If you don’t know your precinct number, check your county government website under the Election Department of the office of the Clerk and Recorder or call them; or if they have one, check your county political party website or call their headquarters for caucus locations). 


Previous signature gatherers have reported positive experiences from caucuses across the state. Be gracious, and there should be no problem getting signatures before and after the meeting. Prior to the meeting you may want to ask the chairman if you can announce that you are collecting signatures for Personhood. If you make an announcement, tell everyone that after the meeting, you will be collecting signatures of those who agree with this question:

“Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution to apply the term ‘person’ to every human being from the beginning of their biological development?” 

You can tell them that we plan to submit another 20,000 signatures to get on the ballot!


When, during the meeting, the chairman asks if anyone has a resolution to offer, you can provide a print out of this personhood resolution and you may be able to read this to the group:

Be it resolved that the ________________ County Republican Party supports the passage of an amendment to the Colorado constitution to apply the term “person” to every human being from the beginning of their biological development. (Print out the resolution to bring to your caucus!)

Depending upon your precinct process, you or someone may make a motion to vote on your resolution, and a second person may have to second the motion, and then there may be clarification and discussion. Inform them that if the measure is passed, the personhood and right to life of preborn babies will be restored and it will become clearly unconstitutional to intentionally kill an unborn child. (See also, Colorado RTL’s Personhood Campaign Talking Points).

If the resolution passes, we want to make sure that it is voted on at the county party assembly!  If passed there, it should go on for consideration at the state party assembly.  If passed there, it will become part of the state party platform, as occured in 2008! So if you can, on Wednesday morning, March 17th, contact your county party chairman or resolution committee, and confirm that they will be introducing the personhood resolution at the county level.

Finally, you may want to enter your name to be a delegate for your county assembly where you can continue to exert influence to protect unborn children!

May God bless your efforts!

-Colorado Right To Life