My Right To Life Education

If we train together, we can win together, with God’s help! The battle for the unborn child is a battle for the mind. Please join Colorado Right To Life as we partner with American RTL to educate those who seek to end the decriminalized killing of the innocent.

ARTL’s website will keep track of your progress as you work your way through their specially-selected curriculum. By spending one hour a day, you can get a 40-year education in forty days with this program! And to encourage you, after you have completed three of the requirements, if you have questions, we will arrange a phone call between you and an officer or spokesman at CRTL. And after you complete the program, if it works in your schedule and geographically, we would like to set up an in-person meeting with you at our office (three doors north of the Capitol in Denver on Grant Street).

To get started, click here on My RTL Education to go on over to our partners at American Right To Life. We believe that this simple program will provide you with the education necessary to be an effective advocate toward the ending of abortion in Colorado.

May God bless your efforts!

-Biff Gore
President, Colorado Right To Life