CRTL March for Life 2014 in Denver

Join us! Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014 Colorado State Capitol 12:30 p.m.
and come early for worship at noon!
Colorado 2014 March for Life
We’re on the Ballot! Help Us Kick Off the Brady Amendment 67 Campaign
Denver, CO 1-16-13 – Colorado Right To Life notes that this Sunday’s March for Life in Denver is forty years after the infamous Roe v. Wade opinion, 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, and nine days after the Alabama Supreme Court unanimously held that the word “child” in a state child abuse law applies equally to an unborn child.
This Sunday, January 20, at 12:30 p.m., CRTL is hosting our annual March for Life on the west steps of the state capitol. Abortion is wrong because it’s a baby, and it’s always wrong to intentionally kill an innocent baby. Historically, the media, government officials, and many institutions despised those who fought for abolition of slavery, and in Germany, for equal treatment under law for Jews. Today, mainstream journalists, politicians, and our state institutions despise those who fight for the personhood and right to life of every innocent human being, no matter how small. “God and historians will judge today’s anti-human rights coalition of ‘pro-choicers’ as harshly as they judge the slave traders and racists of the past,” said Biff Gore, president of CRTL.
We are encouraged by Alabama’s life affirming ruling this month acknowledging what everyone should realize, that a baby in the womb is as precious and deserving of protection as a baby out of the womb. Meanwhile, “More than 50 million children have been dismembered in the forty years since the crime against humanity known as the Roe opinion,” said CRTL spokesman Gregg Jackson, “whereas those who advocate the continued dismemberment of unborn children do so at the peril of their eternal soul.” And it’s been 150 years this month since the Emancipation Proclamation, which event Colorado’s biggest newspaper then used, ironically, to mock and condemn those advocating for abolition of slavery ( Colorado’s media have not changed.
Speakers include spokesmen and spokeswomen from Colorado Right To Life, American RTL, Priests for Life, Personhood USA, Personhood Colorado, and Silent No More including Gualberto Garcia Jones, Jane Brennan, Gregg Jackson, Julie Averill, Rev. Rocco Porter, Rev. Scott Daniels, Rev. Michael Walker, and Rev. Walter Hoye. And with the Tebow-less Broncos losing their playoff game, there will be no Denver schedule conflict.
Contact Donna Ballentine
Colorado Right To Life
Personhood Marches On and Is Now Leading the Sanctity of Life Debate!
Please Donate to Colorado Right To Life to protect unborn children!
Come on out to hear our great speakers including Scott Daniels of Priests for Life and Walter Hoye of Personhood USA! Please march with us this Sunday! Please come and bring a friend! And come early for live worship at noon! This is one of the more important things you can do all year toward protecting unborn children!
You are needed! You are invited!
Please come to the CRTL 2013 March for Life
on the west steps of the Capitol in Denver
this Sunday, January 20th at 12:30 p.m.
Without a vision the people perish. Colorado Right To Life has the vision of victory! After a 30-year diversion, the pro-life movement is now advocating enforcement of the God-given right to life of every child! Bring a friend, join us, and be blessed!
[Church bulletin inserts: front, back.]